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sap sac dashboard design
Data Visualization: Best Practices in Dashboard Design using SAP Analytics Cloud
The primary skill required to create an actionable report is to understand your end-users and their particular data needs. Keeping in mind some of the best-recommended practices in SAP Analytics Cloud, you can improve the Analytical Insights for your end-users, adding more value to the organization.
Intelligent Customer Eexperience
Intelligent Customer Experience
Attracting, engaging and converting customers to buy the products along with retaining them is something that most businesses seek to achieve. With every industry becoming a smarter place around us leveraging Artificial Intelligence, how then do we extend this to provide an intelligent customer experience?
the future of brick-and-mortar retail
Does Brick-and-Mortar Have a Future?
The retail apocalypse is here, and the trends show that consumers are moving faster towards digital interactions, shopping from the comforts of their homes than visit the actual stores. But does this mean the demise of the brick-and-mortar stores or can they along with online shopping peacefully co-exist?
SAP Data Migration Practice Lead
Principal Consultant
retail customer experience and sap c/4hana
Customer Experience and C/4HANA
Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact the global retailers at an unprecedented scale with majority of the customers shifting away from their primary stores. While you cannot really control your competition, you can stay ahead of them by getting closer to your customers through delivering customer-centric processes.
Intelligent Customer Analytics
Intelligent Customer Analytics – The Future is Here!
The challenge for many businesses today is not to master the technology, but rather to position it better at the service of their customers. It would be easier for them to resolve this challenge if they are able to gain better insights about the customers. That’s exactly where Intelligent Customer Analytics comes into play.
Designing an AI-enabled Facial Recognition System for Retail
AI-enabled facial recognition is vital for the retail industry as it can help retailers understand their customers better to deliver improved customer experiences. To win in this customer age, retailers need to move from their traditional retailing software and adopt client ling software coupled with face recognition.
Retail Supply Chain Process
How Real Time Analytics on Retail Supply Chain Process can Protect You and Your Employees from COVID-19
Today’s environment requires businesses to respond on multiple fronts at once: they need to protect their workers’ safety, along with safeguarding their operational viability. To mitigate these risks, analytics has become an essential navigational tool as it supports numerous urgent tasks facing businesses today.
Resolving Product Imbalances: Analysis, Planning and Execution
The New Normal for Covid-19: Resolving Product Imbalances
The unprecedented changes in the balance of supply and demand for retailers and fashion companies are leaving them in a deteriorating situation of having the wrong product at the wrong time in the wrong place. Resolving these imbalances requires better analysis, planning and execution across your enterprise, from finance, all the way through your supply chain.
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